Q1. What is client id and its different usage across the integration ?

A1. Client id = Merchantid.appid where Merchantid = 'hotstar' and appid= 'test' or 'services' [Assumption] For Testing the Ultra SDK and loading the hotstar experience , use Client id as 'hotstar.test' or 'hotstar.services'. For generating secure token , use issuer name as 'hotstar.test' or 'hotstar.services'. For Access token call , use Client id as per the naming convention (Merchant id in this case ) as 'hotstar'

Q2. Receiving “Bad Grant token” while making an Access token Api call ?

A2. This error comes due to following reasons : Client secret is not URL encoded . You are passing client id ( Merchantid.appid) instead of Merchant_id as mentioned in the above question .

Q3. What is the Validity of Different Tokens ?

A3. Grant token : One time use . Access token(JWT token) : Validity of 1 hour . Identity token : Same for Customer (Except for case where cx changes his/her mobile number with flipkart )

Q4. What are the different domains for Both SSO and OMS integration steps ?

A4. For SSO process , Both Prod and preprod : https://platform.flipkart.net For OMS process , Prod : https://ultra.flipkart.net Preprod : https://ultra-lite.flipkart.net

Q5. How to start with the integration process ?

A5 . Fetch the grant token which is client side call needs to be made through Flipkart SDK which can be imported in your web application . Debug apk link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A77aLrok52bPGvwm_rp-sFJq5ycTWHyg/view Usage : install the apk(after uninstalling the existing Flipkart application ) and enter client id to open the preprod environment and Prod environment

Q6. What is the entry point for initiating the SSo process?

A6. Ideally , when Cx is entering the partner experience after clicking on partner widget or when at the checkout page .

Q7. Difference between all the order states in the OMS process ?

A7. ORDER_CONFIRMED - when the order got created with successful payment status . ORDER_FULFILLED - Terminal state when order is delivered and return policy if any for the order is completed . ORDER_CANCELLED - Terminal state when order is cancelled or Cx asked for refund .

Note : after the terminal state is reached , the FK system won’t accept any order event for an order . 2 order state events for an order .